Summit Foundation Educational Workshop: “Saving the Family Cottage”

One of my most satisfying volunteer activities is serving on the Board of Trustees of The Summit Foundation. It has been particularly interesting working with Development Director, Kasey Geoghegan, on planning the Peaks Society’s (our legacy planning initiative) annual educational workshop.

This year’s workshop (the fourth in a series) takes place on Friday, July 13 at Beaver Run Resort & Conference Center from 9 to 11 a.m.

We are pleased to be hosting Cottage Law attorney, David Fry, Esq. who will be presenting Saving the Family Cottage: Succession Planning for your Vacation Home.

A vacation or second home can be a very special place for families through the generations.  But relationships among children and grandchildren around this valuable asset may not remain peaceful forever. In this interactive workshop David will exploring ways to secure the future of your family home for generations to come.

David’s book, Saving the Family Cottage: A Guide to Succession Planning for Your Cottage, Cabin, Camp or Vacation Home (Stuart J. Hollander, Rose Hollander & David S. Fry, 3rd Edition, Nolo 2009) is a comprehensive treatment of the perils of failing to plan carefully for passing a vacation home to the next generation and beyond. The typical method of deeding a home to children as tenants-in-common is simple; but does not account for differences in the needs and circumstances of the eventual owners. Most importantly, a partition — the ancient, but still common method of resolving disputes among co-owners — often results in needless pain and expense. On the other hand, entity ownership in a Limited Liability Company (LLC) provides a flexible and democratic solution to this common problem. Back in October, I wrote of review of his book.

This event should be of interest to professional advisors and their clients, donors, as well as anyone who has been faced with the interconnected challenges of property, estate and philanthropic planning.

Coffee and light breakfast will be provided.  Please RSVP to 970.453.5970 or

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