How We Help

Whether you’re skiing powder, fishing mountain creeks, or hiking with friends, retiring to the mountains can make for the best years of your life. With sound advice and a solid financial plan, retirement in the mountains is a vision that can be realized. Here’s how we’ll help you experience financial confidence so you can make your dream mountain retirement a reality:

We believe that managing wealth is best done by considering all aspects of your financial life. That’s why we offer wealth management services that coordinate financial planning, investment management, and other financial needs such as estate planning, insurance, private banking, and charitable giving. Whether you’re an individual or a family, or you’re managing employee pensions or a foundation, we can fit all the pieces together through our in-house and partner services.

Learn more about Financial Planning

Our Fees

At RightPath, we understand that every client’s needs are unique, which is why we offer a flexible fee structure, which allows us to tailor fees to each specific situation. For more information on our fees, please contact our office or refer to our ADV under “The Fine Print.”

Our services and corresponding fees include:

Financial Planning
We offer hourly rates or fixed project fees for this service.

Investment Management
Our ongoing services are generally based on a percentage of the investments under management. We also offer investment consultation services at an hourly rate or fixed project fee.

Wealth Management
Our fees for this service can be hourly rates, fixed project fees, or quarterly or annual fees.

A Note About Commission-Based Products:
At RightPath Investments & Financial Planning, we may recommend commission-based products (such as insurance provided by a third party) if they are the best fit for your needs. We’ll help you purchase the product and monitor it for you, but we never charge commissions or receive any part of the commission charged by the provider.

Ready to start the conversation?
Schedule a free review.

Build a stable future with a team you can trust. Schedule a consultation with RightPath Investments & Financial Planning today.

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