Fee-Only Services

Placing Your Interests First

At RightPath™ Investments & Financial Planning, we offer all of our services under a “fee-only” structure. That is an important distinction from other fee structures and has specific meaning to our clients.

Reducing Conflicts of Interest, Increasing Transparency

First and foremost, a fee-only structure significantly reduces potential conflicts between your interests and those of RightPath. Commission-based planners receive compensation from their  product vendors. Fee-only planners are only compensated by the client; satisfying the client’s interest is the primary motivator.

You know precisely what you are paying for our fee-only services, whether charged hourly, as a percentage of assets under management, or as a periodic fee. Fees are stated at the outset and clearly marked on invoices and statements, unlike commissions, which can be difficult to isolate commission payments from other fees, and even investment amounts. With RightPath, you will never wonder how much your financial solutions are really costing you.

Picking from a Bigger Barrel

Our fee-only structure also allows us to use a broader range of financial solutions and providers than commission-based advisors who may be financially tied to a small selection. We are continually learning about new investment options and adding the best to our list. Our internal research, information from our specialist colleagues and product specialist, input from your specialists, and, of  course, any research you have conducted yourself means you have access to the breadth and depth  of information you need to make the right choices.

A Penny Saved is a Penny Reinvested

When comparing similar needs, portfolios, and solutions, it is not uncommon to find that fee-only planners cost less than commission-based planners. These lower costs may be due to the elimination of commissions, lower negotiated product costs through provider competition, or other advantages to the fee-only system. Also, fee-only expenses to you are frequently tax deductible as investment advice, whereas fees associated with a particular product (e.g., commission-based fees) may not be. All of which means more of your money goes to meeting your goals.

Fee Overview

At RightPath™, we understand that every client’s needs are unique, which is why we offer a flexible fee structure, which allows us to tailor fees to each specific situation. For more information on our fees, please contact our office or refer to our ADV under “The Fine Print.”

  • Financial Planning
    We offer hourly rates or fixed project fees for this service. 
  • Investment Management
    Our ongoing services are generally based on a percentage of the investments under management. We also offer investment consultation services at an hourly rate or fixed project fee. 
  • Wealth Management
    Our fees for this service can be hourly rates, fixed project fees, or quarterly or annual fees.

A Note About Commission-Based Products:
At RightPath Investments & Financial Planning, we may recommend commission-based products (such as insurance provided by a third party) if they are the best fit for your needs. We’ll help you purchase the product and monitor it for you, but we never charge commissions or receive any part of the commission charged by the provider.

Your Responsibilities

  • Openly communicate with your advisor your thoughts, aspirations, fears, and perceptions about your financial lifestyle and your investments.
  • Be willing to stick to a plan once it is in place. If you are having trouble doing so, communicate your concerns to your advisor.
  • Be mindful that you are granting us permission to coach you in the areas discussed (e.g., wealth management, financial planning or lifestyle, or investment management) and be willing to hear our recommendations openly.
  • Remember that markets fluctuate and we do not control them.
  • Try to let go of some of the worry; that’s why you hired us.
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