Tax Planning

Time Flies When You’re Paying Less in Taxes – Trump Tax Cuts to Sunset in 2025

During Donald Trump’s first year in office, Congress passed the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA). It was the broadest tax package in decades. Due to an obscure Senate rule most comprehensive changes to the tax code expire – or “Sunset” – after ten years. Astonishingly, the TCJA is due to expire on […]

Time Flies When You’re Paying Less in Taxes – Trump Tax Cuts to Sunset in 2025 Read More »

The IRA Charitable Rollover – Laserlike Tool for the Seasoned Philanthropist

‘Tis the season…for charitable giving. In our last post, we discussed the basics of the new tax law, its possible effects on charitable donations and the concept of “bunching” and a Donor Advised Fund as a workaround. Today we address the IRA charitable rollover – or, more technically, the qualified charitable distribution (QCD). IRA Goes

The IRA Charitable Rollover – Laserlike Tool for the Seasoned Philanthropist Read More »

How Do You Spell Relief? ATRA! (American Taxpayer Relief Act)

Congratulations, the 2012 tax season is behind us. Time to start planning for 2013. The dramatic New Year’s Eve peek over – and retreat from – the fiscal cliff did not solve all of the country’s budgetary problems. But it did produce a historic and constructive piece of tax legislation that ended a great deal

How Do You Spell Relief? ATRA! (American Taxpayer Relief Act) Read More »

Cliff Notes: Peering over the Fiscal Cliff and Living to Tell the Story

The “fiscal cliff” is staring us in the face. The best chance of averting the consequences of failure to reach agreement will be in January, after the new Congress is seated. In the meantime, it is good to understand the details and to also do some planning.

Cliff Notes: Peering over the Fiscal Cliff and Living to Tell the Story Read More »

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