ESG Investing

ESG Investing Back in the Arena, Political Hot Potato Gets Tossed Again

The political football has been tossed back into the hands of workplace retirement investors who want to take their values into account in managing their portfolios. At the end of 2020, the US Department of Labor, responsible under ERISA for regulating 401Ks, changed the rules for sustainable investing, moving the goal posts for fiduciaries by […]

ESG Investing Back in the Arena, Political Hot Potato Gets Tossed Again Read More »

DOL Proposed Rule Change Brings Awareness to Sustainable Investing

The current US Department of Labor (DOL) has a bone to pick with sustainable investing; what is now colloquially called Environmental, Social & Governance or ESG investing. On June 23, 2020 the DOL issued a proposed rule that would limit the use of investments that consider ESG factors in retirement plans subject to ERISA, such

DOL Proposed Rule Change Brings Awareness to Sustainable Investing Read More »

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