Wealth Management

Preparing for Disaster and Preventing Financial Ruin: 5 Lessons from a Wildfire Victim

As wildfires have raged across Colorado and other parts of the country in a shockingly early and devastating fire season, families and whole communities are reeling from the destruction. Whether you are a victim of such disasters, care for people directly affected, or simply want to be more prepared, guest blogger Beth Byerlein offers first-hand lessons to help every home-owner cope with loss and reduce its financial impact.

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Children and Philanthropy

Denver Post columnist Bruce DeBoskey continues to nail it in his On Philanthropy column. This week’s column, on the subject of engaging children in philantropy, is chock full of ideas and resources for getting kids away from their computer screens and out there making a contribution. Involving children (and grandchildren) in philanthropy is a great way for

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Book Review: Saving the Family Cottage

Saving the Family Cottage: A Guide to Succession Planning for Your Cottage, Cabin, Camp or Vacation Home (Stuart J. Hollander, Rose Hollander & David S. Fry, 3rd Edition, Nolo 2009) is a comprehensive treatment of the perils of failing to plan carefully for passing a vacation home to the next generation and beyond.

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Remembering Philanthropy

We all have something to give — time, money, ideas or things that we can send out into the world — to make it a better place. The recession and agonizingly slow recover, however, have pushed most of us to ignore or slow down on various forms of giving. Don’t let your philanthropic intents slide; instead, great or small, make them a robust part of your financial planning and you will reap the rewards even during difficult times.

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The Debt Crisis, Volatility and Long-Term Investors

Now that some of the dust is starting to settle from the debt ceiling crisis, it’s a good time for long-term investors to take stock of lessons learned. The lessons are not new ones: having realistic principles to guide your portfolio is still the best hedge against volatility and chaos. And, in the broad scheme of things, it helps to keep your investments in perspective.

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Charity Begins at Home, But Where Does it Go From There?

Are you or your clients struggling with a way to make philanthropy a more meaningful part of your wealth management? Hear from professional advisors on practical steps you can take to integrate giving into your financial lifestyle and family financial plans.

Charity Begins at Home, But Where Does it Go From There? Read More »

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